Every journey, however long it may be, begins with a single step. But you must take that first step. Once you do, each step takes you closer and closer to your goal.
Sometimes, when you consider taking on a new venture – whether it’s writing a book, beginning a new project, or anything else – the task can seem overwhelming. It’s as though you’ll never be able to arrive at your final destination, as if the first step isn’t going to help. When you look too far out toward the horizon, it can seem too difficult. You might even wonder where to begin.
The trick to success sounds very simplistic, because it is very simple: Just begin. Take a single step, followed by another, and then another. Don’t look too far out into the future, and don’t look too far back either. Stay centered in the present moment as best you can. If you follow this simple plan, you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish over time.
Over and over again people plan about the book they are going to write, the project they are going to start, or the charity they are planning to help. But, in many instances, these plans and dreams keep getting put off until “the conditions are right.”
You will agree, in almost all cases, the conditions you are waiting for will not be significantly different next week or next year. Don’t worry that the conditions have to be perfect. The truth is, you are still going to have to take that first step!
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